COVID-19: Your questions answered

We understand that you may have questions and concerns about your tenancy at this time. Because we currently have reduced capability to answer your question in person, please check the list below to see if it is included, before contacting our office.

Will my transfer still be going ahead?

Hopefully, but we are not able to confirm this at this stage. As soon as we know we will be in touch to update you.

I’m not on a benefit and have/may lose my job, do I still need to pay my rent?

Yes, you need to pay your rent – the Government has made that clear. However we understand that this is a difficult time, and you may need financial support. The Government is helping people whose jobs are at risk. Work and Income (0800 559 009) can assist you or contact your tenancy manager immediately.

I’ve heard I don’t have to pay any rent?

That’s not correct. You may have heard about a “rent freeze”. That means your rent will not go up during the Level 4 Lockdown. But you still have to pay it.

What do I do if I have problems with my neighbour?

If you are unable to resolve any problems you might have with your neighbours by speaking to them directly, you can contact your Tenancy Manager to discuss the best way to respond depending on the nature of the problem.

What if I need urgent repairs or maintenance to my property during the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 Lockdown?

We will still undertake urgent repairs to ensure your safety during this time. We may have to take some extra safety steps before attending. Please contact us immediately if you have an urgent issue on 0800 862 769.

What about non-urgent repairs?

We would ask that you make a note of the repair, take steps to ensure it doesn’t get worse, and understand that we will attend to it as soon as possible. Please be patient – some repairs may take time.

You’ve told me to contact the Council’s noise control team if I have a problem, but that service isn’t available at present, so what should I do?

If you are unable to resolve this issue by speaking with your neighbour directly, you can call your Tenancy Manager.

Is it true that your tenant/my neighbour is free to breach their tenancy agreement and Accessible Properties can’t do anything?

No. We take anti-social behaviour very seriously and will be investigating and taking action if necessary. The Government says people can still have their tenancies terminated for extreme anti-social behaviour.

What do I do if there is a fire at my property? Will the Fire Brigade still come?

If you suspect fire, ring 111 immediately. The Fire Brigade is an essential service and they will attend your call.

What do I do if I’m feeling unwell?

It is most important that you do not leave your home for medical advice unless told to. Ring your doctor or the Government Healthline 0800 358 5453 and follow their instructions. Do not just go straight to your doctor. If it is urgent, call 111.

Can I leave my property?

All non-essential travel is strongly discouraged. You must stay at home and not leave unless it is to get important medical or food supplies. You are allowed brief exercise within walking distance of your property, but only if you stay two metres away from anyone else at all times and follow other advice.

Can I have visitors to my property?

No one is allowed to make a social visit to your property, even if they are friends, family or whānau. Visiting other people may increase the spread of the disease.

Will I be in trouble if I had to allowed friends or family to move in because they had nowhere else to go when we went into lockdown?

No. This has been a challenging time and we understand that this might have happened. We do need to know as this may put you and your family and friends at risk and we may be able to access more accommodation for them.

What if I’m by myself and need support? Or know someone who does?

Carers NZ and IHC have launched to make it easy to care for and about each other. If you’re on your own during the lockdown, or caring for a vulnerable person, you can contact them on 0800 777 797 or

What can I do if someone is breaking the lockdown rules?

It’s very important that everyone follows the rules. It not only keeps them safe, but helps keep everyone in the community safe too. If you see someone breaking the rules and are concerned it’s putting them or other people at risk, you can contact police by calling 105 or at

Useful links

Government COVID-19 website:

Work and Income:

NZ Police:

Radio NZ (trusted source of news):

A list of all councils in NZ:

Iwi by regional council:

Skylight (anxiety and stress advice):

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